My Health Realm




Food science Nutrition

Our Story

My Health Realm

       Food & Nutrition consultant is a private nutrition consultancy company established in Netherlands in 2019. The founder of M.H.R. company, Dr. Sahar Hooshmand is a professional expert in the field of nutrition, food science and health promotion who provide a wide range of consultancy services to her corporate and consumer clients. She is a well skilled in the field of Scientific Editing for Health Materials, R&D Partnership development, Regulation compliance advisory and Conducting research on Health, Nutrition and quality control.
As leaders in our field, we are constantly looking ahead beyond the next curve. So we’ve set ourselves the new challenge of taking a fresh approach to sharing our passion for food and nutrition. In 2019, we completed a restructuring of our new business into two divisions, M.H.R. provides more services in second part in Netherlands.







Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt.

Daily calories calculator (BMR)

Calculate the amount of energy needed for the body's basal metabolism


Based on the information you have entered, the amount of energy needed for your body's basal metabolism: It is a kilocalorie.

با توجه به سطح فعاليت شما، ميزان کالري روزانه جهت تثبيت وزن:

مقدار کالري مورد نياز جهت رسيدن به هدف:


Our advice to you:

مصرف روزانه پروتئين بر حسب گرم:

مصرف روزانه چربي بر حسب گرم:

مصرف روزانه کربوهيدرات بر حسب گرم:

Calculate your Body Bass Index (BMI)

Passive aggresive BMI calculater BMI Calculator

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